Monday, July 5, 2010

First day/ night

Hit the road today, after complications with the RV set us back a day. Drove for about 6 hours and then set up shop at a camp grounds in Narrandera, New South Wales. Had a lovely conversation with the owner of the facilities here speaking about all Jewish laws and customs. We were able to practice our social skills with the hostess, explaining our Yarmulka, Kashrus and Shaitels, don't ask how that came into the conversation. It was interesting that she was convinced that all Jews are wealthy (she thought we had stacks of money in the back of our "gypsy mobile") and she was very surprised to hear that there were only about 16 million Jews worldwide.

It was an awesome feeling to plug our RV into the power port and the back cabin buzzed with life. Our fridge, microwave and plugs all work, Baruch Hashem, since we weren't sure if any of the electronics in the back even worked (In the last day we had 4 different professionals check, and they all weren't sure if they were going to work). Tomorrow we got to get our dashboard fixed... not so safe to drive without a gas indicator or a speedometer.

Speak to you tomorrow!

Berel & Izzy

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